La formation Acting in English

Developed by Constantin Stanislavski, then gaining popularity through the legendary Actors Studio in New York, the Method has literally revolutionized the Acting world. We’re not talking about imitating life in a vague way here : This is about creating it !

The Method is composed of a plethora of tools, a true « Acting Partition » that not only the actors can use and create with, but also screenwriters and directors. This realistic way of acting is based upon a detailed deciphering of the inner workings of human behavior and human functionings in order to boost them, to then be able to embody them, rather than imitate them.

Le Programme de Base en Acting est désormais intégralement faisable en Anglais en 1ère année.
Réservé aux personnes anglophones ou parfaitement bilingues.

Si votre niveau d’Anglais est intermédiaire ou débutant, nous vous conseillons d’intégrer en premier les cours d’Anglais.

Acting 1st year / Basic tools

The Acting 1st year is made up of the basic training course of the Method which includes : Exploration 1, Scenes 1 and Backstory. That makes up 9 hours of classes per week, from October to June.

Exploration 1

A class for physical, psychological and emotional exploration. This class is the core of Acting work, because it enables the actor to discover and use his main « instrument » : himself. Thanks to a vast number of tools, games, experiences and exercises, the actor learns how to trigger the physical, psychological and emotional catalysts allowing him to truly live and embody his emotions.

Scenes 1

Open a book at any page you want and imagine that page as if it were a script or a play to perform. Well, if that was the case, you would not play what’s written in black, but rather what’s written in white… and since there is nothing written in the blank spaces on the page, it’s entirely up to you to create it from scratch. That is the subtext that brings life to the performance, that makes it convincing, and that is what we learn in « Scenes 1 »

To do so, each actor creates a scene, then performs it in front of the class, without any lines written in advance or miming, so that he organically understands what every situation is made of: a subtext (inner world, sources, physicalization etc…). In every scene, the actor discovers and puts into practice a new tool of the Method.


With a partner, the actor creates a situation in which he can « improvise » but in a different way from those in the Improvisation class ; we’re talking about prepared improvisations. This creation demands that the pair brainstorm on all kinds of questions about the characters’ backstory and past, the stakes, the bond or relationship etc. Once the improvisation which has been prepared beforehand has a strong foundation, the coach suggests new tools to the actors in order to enrich the scene, create more depth and strengthen the improvisation layer by layer.

170€ to 350€ per month / 1st trial is free.
Weekly classes: Class Schedule 2024/2025
Location: 93 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris.

Acting 2nd year / Make the Method your own

Scenes 3

Practice of actual scenes with dialogues, alone or in pairs, in French or in English. These scenes will be taken from movies or plays, contemporary or classical, without diving in depth into character study.

Once the pair or the actor have rehearsed several times outside of class, they present their scene in class so that the coach can assess their performance.

Cours d’Anglais

Dans le but de former nos acteurs à l’international, et dans le prolongement des ateliers d’Acting in English, Method Acting Center propose des cours d’Anglais.

Ces ateliers vous permettront d’apprendre ou d’améliorer votre anglais de façon efficace et ludique à la fois. À l’indispensable enseignement du vocabulaire et de la grammaire, nous vous proposons également d’étudier des scènes extraites de films et pièces de théâtre en anglais.

Ce cours s’adresse à des personnes ayant déjà quelques bases en Anglais, qui souhaitent enrichir leur vocabulaire, améliorer leur accent et travailler leur aisance autant à l’oral qu’à l’écrit. En fonction du niveau de chacun, des classes différentes pourront être mises en place.

85€ par mois sur 9 mois/ 1er cours d’essai gratuit.
Cours hebdo : Planning 2024/2025.
Lieu des cours : 93 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris.

Journées Portes Ouvertes Septembre 2024

Portes Ouvertes Septembre 2024

Explorez la méthode Actors Studio ! Ouvert à tous.
Inscriptions Acting, Scénario & Réalisation 2024/2025.

Réservation Portes Ouvertes Septembre 2024.